September 1998 Revision 


This organization shall be known as: The Association for Computer Educators in Texas (ACET) 


  1. To provide an association in the State of Texas dedicated to the specialized areas of both administrative and academic computing. 
  2. To provide for the exchanging and sharing of ideas, techniques, materials and procedures developed for use in educational computing. 
  3. To promote general recognition of the professional level of the administrative and academic data specialists in modern educational systems; and the high level of competence required for those roles. 
  4. To encourage the appropriate use of electronic and computing equipment and techniques for the improvement of administrative and academic computing in educational systems. 
  5. To cooperate with manufacturers and distributors of electronic and computing equipment and supplies, in establishing and maintaining proper technical standards, and in meeting new needs for specialized devices and systems in educational computing systems. 
  6. To provide encouragement and consultation related to the improvement of educational computing and information systems. 
  7. To receive and administer funds for research related to educational, administrative and academic computing purposes, all for public welfare, and in general. 
  8. To exercise any, all, and every power from which a non-profit corporation, organized under the provisions of the Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act, for educational purposes, all for the public welfare, can be authorized to exercise.
  1. Membership in this association shall be available on the basis of: 
  1. Regular Institutional Membership - Professionals associated with the operation or management of computing equipment; the development of administrative or academic software; or who teach related subjects provided such persons shall be employed by:

(1)  Private or public schools which cover instruction in grades K through 12, hereafter referred to as public schools. 

(2)  Private or public junior/community colleges. 

(3)  Private or public senior colleges or universities. 

(4)  State departments for education.

  1. Associate Memberships - may be extended by the Board of Directors to individuals interested in the objectives of this association. Associate members shall be entitled to all rights and privileges of regular members except the right to vote and hold office. 
  2. Associate Membership - may be extended by the Board of Directors to students interested in the objectives of the association. Associate members shall be entitled to all rights and privileges of regular members except the right to vote and hold office. 
  3. Sustaining Memberships - may be extended by the Board of Directors to any company or organization interested in the objectives of this association. Sustaining members shall be entitled to:

(1)  Communications to regular members such as newsletters, membership lists, etc. 

(2)  Special publications of the association. 

(3)  Associate membership privileges for up to two individuals to be identified by the company or organization to the association ten days prior to the state convention. 

(4)  Display privileges at the annual state convention, subject to an exhibit fee as set by the Board of Directors and in addition to any charges which may be made for the management of the facility which houses the location of the exhibits.

  1. Regular Corporate Membership – Professionals associated with the instruction and/or administration of computer related curriculum in a corporate environment.
  1. The eligibility for membership of any applicant is subject to approval by the Board of Directors. 
  2. Membership Year: The membership year shall be defined as the period of time from September 1 through August 31. 
  3. Membership Dues: 
  1. Dues will be established at an amount determined by the Board of Directors subject to the approval of an annual convention. 
  2. Membership dues for all member categories are to be collected in addition to the annual convention registration fee.
  1. The officers of this association shall be:  President; Immediate Past President; Vice President, who is the President-Elect; and nine directors, two of whom shall serve concurrently as Treasurer and Secretary. 
  2. The Board of Directors shall be composed of all Officers and Directors, not to exceed twelve (12) in number. 
  3. The President-Elect, who is the Vice-President, shall be elected by the voting members at the annual meeting and shall serve for one year, and become president of the organization and chairman of the Board for the succeeding year. The outgoing president shall remain on the Board for one year. 
  4. The nine Directors shall be elected from the membership at large to serve a term of three (3) years in rotating positions. 
  5. Both the secretary and treasurer shall be elected from and by the Board at the first Board meeting during, or following, the annual meeting. 
  6. If an officer is unable to complete his term in office, the vacancy shall be filled by a majority vote of the Board of Directors by special election at its next meeting following the announcement of vacancy. 
  7. The Board of Directors may solicit and accept funds from any source when in judgment of the Board, such action shall further the objectives of the association. 
  8. The affairs of the association shall be managed by the Board of Directors which shall have the full authority and power granted to boards of directors for corporations under the Laws of Texas. The approved minutes of the Board shall constitute the official records of the Board. 
  9. The Board of Directors shall adopt policies concerning the collections and expenditures of the funds of the organization. 
  10. Basic duties of officers: 
A.  President:

(1)  Administers the operation of the association and presides at all meetings. 

(2)  Should have basic knowledge of Parliamentary Law and the By Laws / Constitution of the Association. 

(3)  Appoints individuals and committees to effectively carry out the purposes of the association. 

(4)  Is ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee. 

(5)  Prepares agenda for all official meetings and conferences. 

(6)  Presides as chairman of the Board of Directors for the ensuing year. 

(7)  Prepares and distributes the agenda prior to each Board meeting. 

(8)  Establishes the schedule for regular Board meetings; and calls special meetings as deemed appropriate.

B.  Vice-President:

(1)  Acts in the absence of the president. 

(2)  Serves as Chairman of the Annual Conference Site Selection Committee. 

(3)  Serves as Chairman of the Annual Conference Program Committee for the ensuing year.

C.  Immediate Past President: 
(1) Serves as a Board Member for the year (s)he is Immediate Past President.
D.  Secretary: 

(1)  Records actions of the association at Board meetings and other official sessions. 

(2)  Keep By-Laws, roster of members, and committee lists in the Book of Minutes. 

(3)  In the event the president and vice-president are not at a meeting, the secretary shall call the meeting to order and ask for nominations for someone to act as Chairman Pro Tem.

E.  Treasurer: 

(1)  Serves as the custodial of funds. Treasurer will need two (2) of three (3) signatures for payment of funds; President, Secretary, Treasurer. 

(2)  Keeps the financial statement up-to-date; making it available upon request. 

(3)  Sends out dues notices. 

(4)  Issues membership cards. 

(5)  Maintains list of members who are in good standing.

F.  Board Members shall conduct the policy affairs of the association and govern its actions.
  1. Selection of candidates for office shall be conducted by a chairman and a three member Nomination Committee, such Nominating Committee is to be appointed by the President. 
  2. The Nominating Committee shall consider candidates; securing qualifications and agreements to serve from each candidate for each office. 
  3. The Chairman of the Nominating Committee shall present the slate of nominees at the annual election; and shall call for additional nominations from the membership. All nominees shall then be considered for election. 
  4. Officers and Board members designated to be elected shall be placed in office by a majority of the qualified voting members present. 


  1. The annual meeting shall be held at a time and place recommended by the Annual Conference Site Selection Committee and approved by the Board of Directors. 
  2. Due notice of the time and place of the annual meeting shall be given, in writing, to all members at least six months in advance of the meeting 
  3. The basic order of business of the annual meeting shall include: 
  1. Election of Officers. 
  2. Financial Report. 
  3. Amendments to the By-Laws.
  1. Robert's Rules of Order, revised, shall be the authority on parliamentary procedure at all meeting of the association. 
  2. A quorum for the annual or called meeting of the association shall consist of at least 15% of the membership, including a majority of the Board of Directors. 


  1. The charter of the association may be amended by two-thirds vote of the qualified voting members present at the annual meeting. The proposed amendment must be presented in writing to each paid regular member at least fifteen( 15) days in advance of the meeting. 
  2. The By-Laws may be amended by a majority vote of qualified voting members present at an annual meeting provided notice has been presented to each paid member at least fifteen (15) days in advance of the meeting. 
  3. Action of the association amending any part of the Charter or By-Laws shall not be made retroactive but shall carry a date after which implementation of the amendment shall be binding on the association. 
  4. The association may, at the request of the Board, provide for a mail ballot on changes to the Charter and By-Laws. It shall be the responsibility of the Board to establish a date on which the change is effective, if approved. Receipt of one more than one-half of the paid members will be required, the declared day of the vote, in order for the vote to be valid, and a two-thirds majority of those voting will be required for the change to be approved. 


  1. Standing Committees: 

A.  Annual Conference Site Selection. 

B.  Annual Conference Program. 

C.  Membership. 

D.  Nominations.

  1. Additional Standing and Special Committees shall be appointed by the President with approval of the majority of the Board.

New By-Laws/Amendment Accepted: Passed at the annual meeting in Austin, Texas of October 26, 1972.
By-Laws/Constitution of the Texas Association for Educational Data Systems, Inc. changed for clarification of wording and dates: Passed at the annual meeting in Austin, Texas of October 25, 1977 and October 18, 1983. 

By-Laws/Constitution of the Association for Computer Educators in Texas, Inc. changed for name change and clarification of wording at the annual meeting in San Antonio, Texas of October 23, 1988 

By-Laws/Constitution of the Association for Computer Educators in Texas, Inc. changed for clarification of wording and dates: Passed at the annual meeting in Dallas, Texas of September 26, 1991 to September 28, 1991. 

By-Laws/Constitution of the Association for Computer Educators in Texas, Inc. changed for inclusion of students as non-voting members. Passed at the annual meeting in San Antonio, Texas of September 25, 1993. 

By-Laws/Constitution of the Association for Computer Educators in Texas, Inc. changed for membership clarification and adjustments.  Passed at the annual meeting in Houston, Texas of October 3, 1998.

updated 11-8-2000